QCD Meets Gravity 2022 is the 8th in a series of meetings for researchers interested in the correspondence between Yang-Mills theory and gravity. The conference will take place at the University of Zurich. Fortunately, the pandemic forecast encourages us to aim for an in-person meeting again after two years of Zoom conferencing.
The meeting brings together experts in both Yang-Mills and gravity theories and focuses on advancing methodologies developed for gauge theories to handle problems in gravity. An early manifestation of a surprising connection between the theories is the Kawai-Lewellen-Tye (KLT) relation. More recently the related Bern-Carrasco-Johansson (BCJ) double-copy construction has greatly simplified multi-loop computations in gravity theories, leading to new insight into their ultraviolet properties.
The goal of this conference is to further stimulate the global research activity to understand the origin of the gauge-gravity relationship as well as to apply it to classical problems in General Relativity, including the important problem of gravitational radiation from compact astrophysical systems. The conference will focus on the following topics:
Furthermore we aim to promote recent research at the interface of the amplitudes field and string theory.
Review talks will be provided by:
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