First Name | Last Name | Affiliation |
Achillefs | Lazopoulos | ETH Zurich |
Adrian | Biland | ETH |
Alessandro | Calandri | Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule Zuerich (CH) |
Ambroise | Muller | ETH |
Andrew | Oliver | ETH Zürich |
Annapaola | de Cosa | ETH Zurich |
Anne-Mazarine | Lyon | ETH Zurich |
Antonio | Petre | ETH |
Arne | Thomsen | ETH Zürich |
Beatrice | Moser | ETH Zurich |
Benjamin | Banto Oberhauser | ETH Zurich |
Botao | Li | ETH Zurich |
Carlos | Cotrini | ETH Zurich, D-INFK |
Celeste | Holm | Student in PPPII |
cesare | cazzaniga | ETH Zurich |
Chang | Sun | ETH Zurich |
Chen | Wenting | Paul Scherrer Institut, ETHz IPA |
Chen | Xie | ETH |
Christina | Reissel | ETH Zurich |
Christoph | Ribbe | ETH Zürich |
Cristina | Martin Perez | ETH Zurich |
Cristovao | Vilela | LIP |
daniel | tay | ETH Zurich |
Davide | Sgalaberna | ETH Zurich |
Davide | Valsecchi | ETH |
Dmitry | Hits | ETHZ |
Elias | Nyholm | ETH Zurich |
Emanuele | Villa | CERN |
Federica | Riti | ETH Zuerich |
Florian | Eble | ETHZ |
Franz | Glessgen | ETH Zurich |
Gabriele | Pierini | ETH Zuerich |
Gaoyuan | Li | Optical Nanomaterial Group, Institute for Quantum Electronics, Department of Physics |
Giada | Badaracco | ETH Zürich |
Giorgia | Bonomelli | ETH |
Henry | Zheng | Institute of Theoretical Physics |
Irene | Cortinovis | ETH Zürich |
Jan Friedrich | Debus | Dissertori Group, IPA, ETH Zürich |
Jayant | Abhir | IPA, ETH Zurich |
Jessica | Prendi | ETHZ |
Jialin | Wu | ETH, Zürich |
Johannes | Knörzer | Institute for Theoretical Studies, ETH Zurich |
Juan Antonio | Fernandez de la Garza | ETH Zurich |
Kaustuv | Datta | ETH Zurich |
Kazuhiro | Terao | SLAC |
Krzysztof | Stachon | ETH Zurich |
Kyle | Metzger | ETH Zürich |
Lars | Noehte | UZH, PSI, CMS (CERN) |
Leigh | Whitehead | University of Cambridge |
Lia | Aleksandrovic-Sartori | ETH Zürich |
Luca | Biggio | ETH |
Lucine | Tabatt | ETH Zürich |
Marcus | Mähring | ETH Zürich |
Marta | Babicz | University of Zurich |
Marta | Spinelli | ETH Zurich |
martina | mongillo | ETH Zurich |
Massimiliano | Galli | ETH |
Matteo | Marchegiani | ETH Zurich |
Mauro | Donega | ETHZ |
Mauro | Verzetti | |
Mengzi | Huang | ETH Zurich |
Mila | Lüscher | ETH Zurich |
Nathan | Baudis | ETH Zurich |
Nico | Casal | ETH |
Nico | Härringer | ETH Zürich |
Nicolas | Sallin | ETHZ |
Nikolaos | Geralis | ETH Zurich |
Nived | Puthumana Meleppattu | Rubbia group |
Paloma | Cimental | UZH |
Patricia | Wagner | ETH Zurich |
Patrick | Odagiu | ETH Zürich |
Philipp | Täschler | IQE, QOE Group |
Raamamurthy | Sathyanarayanan | ETHZ (D-ITET) |
Rebecca | Gartner | ETHZ |
Rebecca | Hampp | PPP 2 Student at ETH |
Ritwika | Chakraborty | PSI |
Roberto | Seidita | ETH Zurich |
Roman Felix | Kracht | Prof. Marinkovic‘s Group, Department of Physics, ETH Zürich |
Sana | Ouahada | Laura Baudis Group UZH |
Sarah | Kamleitner | Laboratory of Ion Beam Physics |
Satoshi | Fukami | A. Biland's group |
Saul | Alonso Monsalve | ETH Zurich |
Simone | Pigazzini | ETH Zurich |
Sissi | Wang | ETH |
Sophie | Rohletter | ETHZ |
Sotiris | Anagnostidis | ETH Zurich |
Syed Anwar Ul | Hasan | ETH Zurich |
Thea | Aarrestad | ETH Zurich |
Thea | Budde | ETH Zürich |
Thomas | Birbacher | ETH Zürich, IPA, Exoplanets group |
Till | Dieminger | ETH Zurich |
Tilman | Tröster | ETH Zürich |
Tomasz | Kacprzak | ETHZ D-PHYS IPA |
Umut | Kose | ETH |
Vasilije | Perovic | IPA ETHZ |
Vasilis | Belis | ETH Zurich |
Vasilis | Belis | ETH Zurich (CH) |
Veronika | Oehl | ETH Zurich |
Virginia | Ajani | ETH Zurich |
Wenchao | Xu | IQE |
Will | Handley | University of Cambridge |
Xiangyu | Xie | PSI |
Xingyu | Zhao | ETH Zurich |
Yuliia | Maidannyk | ETHZ |
Zan | Kokalj | ITP ETHZ |
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