4:00 PM
Proportionality of gravitational and electromagnetic radiation by an electron in an intense plane wave
Giulio Audagnotto
4:05 PM
Efficiently evaluating loop integrals in the EFTofLSS using QFT integrals with massive propagators
Diogo Bragança
4:10 PM
Classical limit of higher-spin string amplitudes
Lucile Cangemi
4:15 PM
Rational algorithms for the decomposition of Feynman integrals via intersection theory
Gaia Fontana
4:20 PM
11D supergravity scattering amplitudes with manifest supersymmetry
Max Guillen
4:25 PM
The eikonal operator - radiative and tidal effects
Carlo Heissenberg
4:30 PM
Colour-kinematics duality, double copy, and homotopy algebras
Tommaso Macrelli
4:35 PM
Kite and triangle diagrams through symmetries of Feynman integrals
Subhajit Mazumdar
4:40 PM
Spinning compact objects using EFTs
Raj Patil
4:45 PM
Loop-by-loop differential equations for dual (elliptic) Feynman integrals
Andrzej Pokraka
4:50 PM
Tidal effects in a worldline-QFT
Benjamin Sauer
4:55 PM
Perturbing binaries with a distant third body
Francesco Serra
5:00 PM
The Shapovalov form construction of momentum kernel
Yihong Wang